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$8 for 1-hour session
$2 Skate rental =
$10 total per session with skate rental

No Protective Gear is supplied. Bring your own if desired.
Doors open 30 minutes before sessions. Skating Rink capacity will be limited to 150 people. Advance reservations for 100 people will be offered through TicketLeap up to an hour before a session. Advance reservations will be $10.00 + Ticketleap fees. A minimum of 50 walk-in spaces will be offered at each session. Children 12 & under MUST be accompanied by an adult (18 years or older). Unaccompanied children will be denied entry. Enter the arena on the NE doors (closer to the conference center) and leave through the South arena doors. There will be no loitering inside the building allowed for any reason.

Advance tickets available at https://united-wireless-arena.ticketleap.com/
All dates and times are subject to change

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